About Our Church

First Assembly of God of Scottdale had its beginning with a small group of Spirit-filled believers who gathered for prayer and had a vision for establishing a Pentecostal work in Scottdale. As they prayed, an Assembly of God Pastor was asked to conduct a Tent Meeting to enlarge the work. On the outskirts of town, on July 9, 1943, the first service was held in a Tent. These services lasted three months.
After the conclusion of those, several facilities were rented until land was purchased on the corner of Elm Street and Jennings Ave. The church had only been able to raise part of the purchase price for the land. A Jericho march was held during a service at the property, and the land was claimed for God's use. The next day, the property's seller changed the land's purchase amount to the exact amount of money the church had raised.
In 1951, a basement church was built, and the congregation moved from renting in town to holding services in the basement under the pastorate of David Wilkerson. In the following years, its super-structure, an education/fellowship building, and a parking lot were built- and a parsonage was purchased. First Assembly was incorporated in 1957 and became affiliated with the Assemblies of God on March 27, 1958.
Services were held in the basement church until 1959, when plans were drawn up to build the super-structure. With the congregation doing most of the work, it was 1968 when construction was completed and the new building occupied. A dedication service was held to the glory of God on December 6, 1970. The mortgage was burned on May 16, 1976.
In the summer of 1977, ground was broken for a two-story education and fellowship building across the street from the church. It was occupied in the fall of 1978 and dedicated to the Lord in 1979.
Since 1943, First Assembly of God of Scottdale has faithfully served the Lord and the people of this community and plans on continuing to do both until Jesus returns.

Our Pastor

Rev. Andrea Bello – Lead Pastor
Saved at the age of 15 and seeking the Lord for her future, the Lord directed her into the field of software engineering, where she labored for 30 years. As her love for the Lord deepened, she became involved in various church ministries, gradually growing in her giftings and her passion for youth ministry.
For several years, she felt content in God's will, working as a software engineer and serving her church as a youth ministry volunteer until a local Pastor invited her to become the Youth Pastor at his church. Recognizing God's calling, she accepted the position while continuing to work her engineering job. The Lord also increased her inner healing prayer and counseling ministry during this time. She has been used in this gift throughout her adult life.
After ten years of serving as Youth Pastor and Pastoral Counselor, the Lord directed her to accept an Associate Pastor position at an inner-city church where she labored for seven years. When the Lord began dealing with her to become a Lead Pastor, she devoted herself to seeking confirmation through fasting and prayer. Again assured that she was moving in God's will, she left her Associate position, trusting the Lord to lead her as He wished. He opened the door here at Scottdale First Assembly. After several months (and thousands of miles) of commuting from the other side of the state on weekends, she arrived here, full-time, in September of 2023, ready to lead and love the people.
Pastor Andrea loves Jesus and feels she owes Him her life. She endeavors to live a life of worship by obediently living for Him with character and integrity. It is her heart to love and accept people where they are, grow them into discipled followers of Jesus, and see them set free from what holds them back from enjoying the abundant life God promises us in John 10:10.
Enjoys: Good Food, the Shore, Old Movies, Sports, and Gardening
Fun Fact: I was once knocked out at home plate.