Our Children's Ministry partners with parents to nurture their child's soul and spirit. We want our children to experience church as a safe place where they are loved and accepted and where learning God's Word is fun. To that end, we adhere to Safe Sanctuaries policies requiring background checks of all volunteers and open classrooms.
Aware that children have different learning styles, we vary our teaching methods and combine age-appropriate Bible study with fun learning activities such as games and crafts. Everything we do is geared towards helping children grow in their relationship with the Lord, their understanding of the Bible, and in learning how to apply the Scripture to their lives.
Nursery (infant – 3 years old) We provide a fully equipped nursery for parents to use. If desired, parents may listen to the Adult Sunday School lesson and the Worship service while in the Nursery with their little one. As we grow, we will staff the Nursery.
Children’s Church - Children ages 3-12 are dismissed from the sanctuary before the sermon. Pre-School (3 years old through kindergarten) and Elementary - (1st grade – 6th grade) enjoy a snack together then meet separately for their Bible Lesson and Learning Activities.
Children are dismissed before the sermon.

Wednesday Night
Bible Study
We meet once a week from 7-8 pm to study the Word together. Surrounded by open discussion, we gather to read, go deeper, and explore the Bible. This is a great setting to ask questions and discuss life applications. All are welcome!

Monthly Church Dinners
Once a month, after the Sunday morning service, the whole church gathers at our Ministry Center and enjoys a full meal together. It is a great time of fun and fellowship – allowing us to bond together as the family of God. Everyone is welcome.

Women of Purpose
This ministry serves as a place of connection and growth where you will experience warmth, love, and acceptance. We are a company of women, ages 18 and above, gathering together for fellowship, a word from the Word of God, and lots of laughs. We meet the second Tuesday of each month in our Ministries Center from 6:30 to 8 pm. We meet with the men for the first half hour, eat finger foods and desserts, and then separate for a time in the Word. You belong here! You are warmly invited to join us on this journey to become all God intended.

Men of Honor
All men are invited to join us on the second Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm, as we grow into the men of God He created us to be. We meet with the women for the first half hour, eat finger foods and desserts, and then separate for a time in the Word. Our environment is one of encouragement, brotherhood, and support of one another through biblical principles and genuine caring. Know that you are welcome.